In the summer, cars can pose a dangerous threat not just to toddlers and pets, but sometimes, simply sitting in an electric vehicle is enough. That was recently the case for Brianna Filos, a young woman who found herself stuck in her Tesla under the scorching sun, documenting the experience on TikTok.

Tesla driver stuck: "Guys, I'm such an idiot"

She had initiated a software update for her electric vehicle while still inside it. The video starts with her saying, "Guys, I'm an idiot." The update had been running for 30 minutes, and the car interior had heated up to 103 degrees. The reason for her remaining in the car was a warning in the Tesla manual that discourages the use of the vehicle, including opening doors and windows, during the software installation.


Ignoring this warning could potentially damage the vehicle, a piece of information that Filos takes seriously. "I'm just gonna sit here for a while and roast like a damn chicken," she added while also refraining from operating the manual door handles until the end of the update to avoid damaging her Tesla.

Still a Tesla fan after all

In the meantime, Filos's TikTok video has already garnered 21.1 million views. In another video, she reports, visibly sweaty, that she was finally able to leave the car after 40 minutes. The maximum temperature had eventually risen to 115 degrees.

She continues to be a fan of Elon Musk's car company. "I love my Tesla and I'm gonna have it for many, many, many more years. This is just a warning so you guys don't make the same mistake I did!"

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